About us

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Vision and Mission

Welcome to facilitation and awareness of community for empowerment(face)

Facilitation and Awareness of Community for empowerment was stimulated by the increasing demand of trained man-power for the jobs created in various sectors. Our model is based on addressing the needs of the industry and is focused on making students ready for work.


Uplift economic conditions of rural poor’s and farmers through improved agriculture and employment generation assuring smile on their face with strong cultural bondage.


  • To reach poorest of the poor.
  • To Suggest and provide some opportunities based on the local input available
  • Organized job oriented training program and provide job for rural and urban candidate.
  • Educate farmers for scientific farming and Marketing Integrated approach for rural development.
  • Formation of groups and Co-operative through cultural effort.
  • To promote Education, sanitation and relationship building.
  • Organize Regular village meets, trade fares and cultural meets.